Saturday, April 02, 2005

Swallow the Knife

This place is like a huge waitng room, except without the musak.

After only a month, people are already beginning to think about leaving. Soldiers talk about how long till they get out when they get back to the rear. They talk about where they want to PCS to next. Its funny how we have so much time here to think about all these things. Granted there is alot here to keep us busy concerning our duty, but still, there is too much time to think here.

Thinking hurts the brain, and its inherently dangerous when used by the stupid.

So many plans are made here.

"When I get out..." or "When we get to the rear..." or "As soon as these warts go away..."

The list goes on and on. Yet, at the heart of this is the thing that keeps these soldiers going. Hopes and Dreams. Ultimately thats why they joined the Army. Wether it was the hopes and dreams of their parents or their own. They all came here to find a better way of life or escape from their past way of life. In the midst of all this ugly chaos and death, there are the hopes and dreams of these soldiers. So many plans for the future. Its those plans they cling to and nurture, and by doing so make it through to another day.

There is so much bullshit around here. So many idiots and their own misguided and malignant agendas. It makes it hard just to get through the day sometimes, let alone an entire year.

So we go into our own little world and let our sick little minds go wild with fantasy and fiction. Eventually we create some kind of reality bending world to live in like in some M. Night Shamalayan movie. Not quite real, but real enough to be believable.

It's in there that we escape all this bullshit and somehow find our humanity and a sense of realism that reality just can't give us right now.

Because this place is to surreal to be anything but fiction.


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